Quality Improvement Special Interest Group

Helen Lee- Head of Quality Improvement and Experience, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust

By understanding what matters to people who use the service, their families and carers, Always Events enables people who use the service, their families and carers, with those people who provide the service, to co-design quality improvements together. I am passionate about people being at the heart of everything we do, quality improvement and co-designing improvements and Always Events are a fantastic way to bring these 3 things to life.

 Helen can be contacted at @helenlee321_lee     or helen.lee@lancashirecare.nhs.uk

Brent can be contacted @cootewv     brent.kilmurray@nhs.net


Maureen Raine – TEWV NHS Foundation Trust

Maureen Raine is Head of the Kaizen Promotion Office in Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust which provides mental health and learning disability services.  She is passionate about making a difference for patients by working with colleagues to ensure that services are designed around patient need.

Maureen was one of the first people trained in lean principles in the North East by Virginia Mason Medical Centre in Seattle.  Maureen has a degree in leadership and management and became a Virginia Mason Production System accredited Certified Leader in 2008 and an accredited Certified Lean Coach in 2012.  Maureen has trained and coached many staff nationally in lean principles across health and social care including executive team members, consultant medical staff, clinical and administrative staff.
