Collaborative members

Our collaborative members are at the heart of our work. If your organisation would to discuss joining the collaborative please contact us.


  • Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
  • Mersey Care NHS Trust
  • Mental Health Matters
  • Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
  • Navigo
  • Holmusk
  • Devon Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • CNWL NHS Foundation Trust
  • Essex Partnership University HS Foundation Trust
  • Northampton Healthcare NHS Trust

Associate members

  • Mental Health Football Association
  • Parental Minds
  • Mind our Minds
  • Southdown Housing
  • Cleveland Police
  • Northumbria Police
  • Pact Enquiries
  • Harmless UK
  • Rollercoaster
  • Mersey Fire and Rescue
  • Leicestershire Police