Young’s Seafood has teamed up with NAViGO to offer their employees a ‘whistle stop’ tour of how to improve health & wellbeing.
For a whole week, beginning 19th June 2017, staff will deliver a packed programme of introductions to different ways of keeping fit in both body and mind.
For over two years, Young’s has taken the initiative locally to ensure their workforce have access to on-site support around work related stress, reducing barriers to remaining in work.
The total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2015/16 was 488,000 with stress accounting for 45% of all working days lost due to ill health across the nation.
Melinda Elwood, HR Business Partner for South Quay said:-
“This is the second wellbeing week we have organised due to the success of the first in January this year. NAViGO have been working with us on site on a regular fortnightly basis for the last two years and we thought an all-inclusive event would be a good way to ensure all of our employees have a chance to take part. Being forward thinking has helped the organisation to combat sickness absence and support people with any issues they may have.”
NAViGO will be providing complementary therapies such as Reiki, Reflexology and Chair Based massage, together with Mindfulness techniques. For those who are up for the challenge, Instantly Fit taster sessions will be on the menu together with advice and help around nutrition, keeping a low BMI and stopping smoking.